Louise Michelle Vital, PhD

Presentations & Media



Refereed Academic Conference Presentations

Vital, L. M.  (March 2024). Examining the place and opportunity for anti-racism protest in U.S. higher education practice (conceptual paper presentation). Comparative and International Education Society Annual Meeting, Miami, FL.

Vital, L. M. (chair & discussant), Zewolde, S. Denga, B., Yao, C., & George Mwangi, C. (March 2024). It's about damn time! Protesting racism in global higher education through teaching, research, and practice (panel presentation). Comparative and International Education Society Annual Meeting, Miami, FL.

Vital, L. M. & Neilsen, J. C. (June 2023). Obstacles to vessels: Considering pathways to change higher education’s system to promoter of social progress. Cultural Studies Association Conference, Fairfax, VA.

Vital, L. M. (February 2023). Practitioner preparation for addressing race and racism in higher education praxis: Implications for graduate education (conceptual paper presentation). Comparative and International Education Society Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C.

Vital, L. M. (chair & discussant), Denga, B., Yao, C., Zewolde, S., George Mwangi, C. (February 2023). Addressing race & racism in global higher education through research, teaching, and praxis (panel presentation). Comparative and International Education Society Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C.

Chhabra, M. & Vital, L. M. (October 2022). Racial and colonial reckoning in higher education: A global social justice imperative (research paper presentation); Roundtable: The essence of 'best practice' in career guidance and counselling: Global perspectives, shared realities. UNESCO UniTwin Congress, Wroclaw, Poland.

Vital, L. M. & Gooden, A. (June 2021). Teaching and learning English for academic purposes: Pedagogical approaches for culturally responsive online environments. Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse International Student in Open or Online Learning Environments Research Symposium, University of Windsor.

Vital, L. M. & Chhabra, M. (April 2021). Racial reckoning in higher education: A social justice imperative. Comparative and International Education Society Annual Meeting

Amatullah, T., Vital, L. M., & Shaw Bonds, M. D. (January 2021). Teaching about and amidst disaster: COVID-19 lessons and implications (round table presentation). Association of American Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting

Molina, D., Shaw Bonds, M., Moyen E., Vital, L. M., Cuellar, M., Taylor, L. (November 2020). Crisis insight and opportunity: Emergent interdisciplinary research at the intersection of higher education and COVID-19 (symposium presentation). Association for the Study of Higher Education annual conference

Vital, L. M. & Miao, S. (March 2020). The global citizen leader: Addressing the human and non-human condition beyond geographic boundaries (research paper accepted). Comparative and International Education Society Annual Meeting, Miami, FL.

Vital, L. M. (July 2019). Higher education experiences and career expectations of emerging adults: A focus on university students and graduates in Haiti (research paper presentation); Symposium: Strengthening career guidance and counseling to promote access to decent work. European Congress of Psychology, Moscow, Russia.

Vital, L.M., Sinclair, S., Yao, C. W. (April 2019). Beyond study abroad: Developing global citizenship in graduate education through internationalization at home (paper accepted). Comparative and International Education Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Vital, L.M., Lane, T.B., Perez, E., & Patterson-Stephens, S. (November 2018). Professors behaving badly: Exploring sabotaging behaviors that impact Black women doctoral student persistence (paper accepted). Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, Tampa, FL.

Wilson, E., Pacheco, I.V., Willcox, S., Johnson, A. T., & Vital, L. M., (March 2017). Higher education and fragility: Policy, partnerships, and peace (panel presentation accepted). Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Vital, L. M.  & Yao, C. W. (April 2017).  Exploring the role of identity in U.S. higher education doctoral students’ international research preparation (paper accepted). American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX

Lane, T. B., Patterson, S. M., & Vital, L.M. (April 2017). Resistance and Resilience: Understanding the experiences of Black women in doctoral education (paper accepted). American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX

Patterson, S. M., Lane, T. B., & Vital, L. M. (November 2016) Black doctoral women: Challenges, opportunities, and struggles (paper presentation). Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, Cleveland, OH.

Yao, C. W. & Vital, L. M. (August 2016) Perspectives from doctoral students on researcher reflexivity and positionality in international contexts. (paper presentation). XVI World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, Beijing, China

Vital, L. M. & Yao, C. W. (March 2016). Taking stock of U.S. doctoral education: Perspectives from higher education students on the efficacy of their international research preparation (paper presentation). Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada

Yao, C.W. & Vital, L. M. (November 2015). "Higher education wasn't even invented in the U.S.": Perceptions of U.S. doctoral students on international research preparation (paper presentation). Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, Denver, CO

Yao, C.W., Vital, L. M., Hoffman, D., Oroz, N., & Rasanen, K. (November 2015). Transformative scholarship: Alternatives to reproductive scholarship and the exacerbation of stratification (roundtable presentation). Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, Denver, CO

Yao, C. W., & Vital, L. M. (March 2015). (Inter/intra) cultural Dissonance: Self-Reflections on the Realities of International Qualitative Research (Poster presentation). Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference, Washington, D. C.

Vital, L.M., & Yao, C.W. (November 2014). Rethinking the Academic Cloak: Doctoral Education and Researcher Positionality (Paper presentation). Presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

Vital, L. M. (November 2014) Holistic support and strategic partnerships: An analysis of the Haitian Education and Leadership Program (Poster presentation). Presented at the International Conference on Urban Education Biennial Conference, Montego Bay, Jamaica

Lane, T. B., & Vital, L. M. (October 2014). The beautiful struggle: Black women and the challenges and triumphs of doctoral attainment (Paper presentation). Presented at the Black Doctoral Network Conference, Philadelphia, PA

Vital, L.M. (March 2014) Addressing issues of access and persistence in the Haitian higher education system (Paper presentation). Presented at the Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada

Yao, C.W., & Vital, L.M. (November 2013). The Geography of International Research: The Insider on the Outside or the Outsider on the Inside? (Roundtable presentation). Presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO

Vital, L. M. (September 2013) Tet Chage! Addressing Higher Education Challenges in Haiti (paper presentation). Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate Fall Conference, Michigan State University

Professional Conference Presentations

*denotes collaborative work with graduate students

Vital, L. M. & Thorpe, M. (March 2023). Towards inclusive practice in global education: Integrating a DEI and global lens in practitioner preparation. Inclusive Learning Institute, Diversity Abroad.

Vital, L. M. & Gooden, A. (October 2022). Multi-pronged global partnership: University, Government, and Non-profit Organization Caribbean Institute. NAFSA Regional XI Conference, Nashua, NH.

Vital, L. M., *Thorpe, M. *Graham, L., & *Groh, S. (October 2021). Developing scholar-practitioner identity in international higher education through teaching apprenticeships. NAFSA All Region Summit.

Vital, L. M…et al. (November 2020). Women of Color navigating space in PWIs  (presentation). Women of Color in the Academy Conference, Northeastern University, Boston, MA

Vital, L. M…et al. (March 2020). Panelist, Developing a community of care: Exploring the experiences of women of color faculty and deans in the Graduate School of Arts and Social Sciences at Lesley University (panel accepted). Women of Color in the Academy Conference, Northeastern University, Boston, MA

Hoffshire, M. & Vital, L. M. (March 2020). Creating an accepting and affirming campus culture for Caribbean LGBQ+ students thru student organizations at HBCUs/PWIs (research poster presentation). Annual conference of ACPA-College Student Educators International, Nashville, TN

Vital, L. M. & Hoffshire, M. (March 2019). “It frustrates me” Caribbean heritage students navigating sexual identity formation (research paper presentation). Annual conference of ACPA-College Student Educators International, Boston, MA

Vital, L.M., Zereik, R., and Shea, R. (March 2013). A Post-Conflict/Post-Disaster Student Affairs Program Review in Haiti. Presented at the ACPA-College Student Educators International National Conference, Las Vegas, NV

Vital, L.M., Zereik, R., and Shea, R. (March 2013). Post-Disaster Student Affairs Program Review, Presented at the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators National Conference, Orlando, FL

Mull, D., Hill, K., Smith., Q., & Vital, L. M. (March,2011). Where is her identity? Black females navigating higher education. Presented at the American College Personnel Association National Conference. 

Vital, L. M., Linz, S. & Maker, R.  (April 2005). Success on campus: Students with physical disabilities. Presented at the American College Personnel Association Conference National Conference, Nashville, TN

Renn, K., Vital, L.M., Rehling, J., & Steele, G. (April 2005). Learning about technology and student affairs via online course immersion. Presented at the American College Personnel Association National Conference, Nashville, TN

Vital, L. M. & Wilson, L. R. (February 2007). Increasing Student Engagement in Campus Programming. Presented at The National Association for Campus Activities National Conference, Nashville, TN

Neil, S. & Vital, L. M. (2007). Navigating Campus Politics. Presented at the Boston Area College Housing Association New Professionals Workshop, Boston, MA

Vital, L.M., Linz, S., & Maker, R. (February 2005). The hidden minority: Students with physical disabilities on campus. Presented at the Graduate Research Colloquium, East Lansing, MI

Vital, L.M., Maker, R. & Linz, S. (October 2004). Experiences of students with invisible physical disabilities in higher education. Presented at the Michigan College Personnel Association Regional Convention, Kalamazoo, MI.

Speaking Engagements, Trainings, and Workshops

*denotes collaborative work with graduate students

Vital, L. M., Imafidon, F., Morris, D., &Pantojas, A. C. (November 2023). Industry talks: Education, Arts, & Humanities. Graduate School Summit, Leadership Brainery.

Vital, L. M. & Enriquez, G. (January 2023). Socialization to the doctoral environment. Winter Residency Weekend, Graduate School of Education, Lesley University.

Davis, A. (lecturer) & Vital, L. M. (moderator) (May 2022). Sonnabend Lecture with guest speaker Dr. Angela Davis. Lesley University.

Bhata, N., Nwokeji, S., Patil, P., & Vital, L. M. (March 2022). International Women’s Day Virtual Symposium: Living in America-Breaking the biases. Knightdale- Wake Forest Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.

Fils, H., Knight, E., Parham, K., & Vital, L. M. (February 2022). What can you do with an Africana Studies degree? Department of Critical Race, Gender, and Cultural Studies. Simmons University.

Watson, A., Hernandez, G., Vital, L. M. (October 2021). International education practice with a lens towards race + racism. Critical Internationalization Studies Network: Race and Racism Subgroup.

Vital, L. M. & Sharpe, A. (June 2021). Legislative Week: Education & partnerships. Institute of Caribbean Studies.

Vital, L. M. (June 2021). Updates: Lesley University. UNESCO University Twinning and Networking Programme (UniTwin) Annual Meeting.

Vital, L. M., Gooden, A., Gilchrist, L. A. (June 2021). Re-imagine education post COVID-19: Diverse abilities. The Institute of Caribbean Studies & The Authentic Caribbean Foundation.

Vital, L. M. (June 2021). Overlapping oppression & opportunity: Gender, race, and intersectionality. ARD Associates in Rural Development (A Tetra Tech company).

Vital, L. M. (April 2021). Towards decolonizing syllabi and pedagogical approaches. Adjunct Faculty Training, Division of Counseling Psychology, Lesley University.

Vital, L. M. (April 2021). Engaging race and racism in teaching international higher education. Critical Internationalization Studies Network: Race and Racism Group.

Vital, L. M. (February 2021). Researcher considerations of race and racism: Scholar-practitioner research training. Critical Internationalization Studies Network: Race and Racism Group

Vital, L. M. (January 2021). Content Creator/Facilitator, Stepping Up and Stepping Back in Allyship, Lesley University

Vital, L. M. (January 2021). Co-facilitator, Inclusive Pedagogy and UDL in Higher Education, Lesley University

Vital, L. M. (September 2020). Facilitator; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Reset: Student training, Lesley University

Vital, L. M. (September 2020). Facilitator; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Reset: Campus-wide training, Lesley University

Vital, L. M. & *Workman, S. (June 2020). Fostering a Sense of Belonging in your Personal and Professional Communities of Practice. Lesley University, Cambridge, MA.

Vital, L. M. (February 2019). Intercultural relations and the scholar practitioner: Incorporating critical reflexivity in practice and research. Lesley University/IHEIR Program New Faculty Presentation, Cambridge, MA.

Vital, L. M. (February 2019). Panelist, US Caribbean 2020 Strategy Education Forum, Authentic Caribbean Foundation & The Institute of Caribbean Studies, Massachusetts State House, Boston, MA.

Vital, L. M. (November 2016). Higher education internationalization efforts in post-disaster Haiti. Panelist for the Internationalization of Higher Education: 7+ Country Perspectives panel, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA

Vital, L. M. (June 2016). Strategy session roundtable facilitator, Town Hall Action Meeting Black in the Boston Public Schools, Greater Love Tabernacle Church, Dorchester, MA

Vital, L. M. (March 2015). What does student affairs and services look like in Haiti? Presented at the International Colloquium during the annual conference of ACPA-College Student Educators International, Tampa, FL

Vital, L.M., and Mlambo, Y. A. (August,2014). Diversity of U.S. Campuses. Presented at the 2014 Fulbright Foreign Language Teacher Assistants Summer Orientation, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Vital, L. M. (September 2013). Panelist, Funding your international research projects. International Social Science Research seminar, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Vital, L. M. (September 2012). Maximizing your graduate student role during the student conduct process. Presented to the West Circle Assistant Community Directors, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Vital, L. M., & McPhee, M. M. (July 2011). Supervising grads in academic programs. Presented at the Department of Residence Life full time staff training, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Vital, L. M. (June 2007). Setting Goals...Maximizing Potential: Tips for Success. Presented at the Simmons College Upward Bound Math/Science Program residence staff training, Simmons College, Boston, MA

Gerhardt, A. & Vital, L. M. (March 2006). From Intolerance to Acceptance: A campus wide conversation on former Neo-Nazi Frank Meeink. Presented for the Colleges of the Fenway community, Boston, MA

Vital, L. M. (April 2006). Keynote speaker, A Sparkling Affair, Black Students Graduation Ceremony, Simmons College, Boston, MA

Vital, L. M. (May 2006). Today’s Girls, Tomorrow’s Leaders: Reclaiming Our Images in the Media. Presented at the 10th Annual G.I.R.L.S. Conference, Simmons College, Boston, MA

Vital, L. M. (June 2006). Managing conflict and communication. Presented at the Simmons College Upward Bound Math/Science Program residence staff training, Simmons College, Boston, MA

Vital, L. M. (September 2005). So, what do they have to do with us? Collaboration outside of the box. Presented at the Fall Student Leader Training Day, Simmons College, Boston, MA

Vital, L. M. (October 2005). Conflict resolution: How to work with difficult People. Presented at the Scott/Ross Center for Community Service Fall Student Leader Training Day, Boston, MA

Vital, L. M., & Erwin, V. (January 2005). Creating inclusive communities for students with disabilities in the residence halls. Presented at the Department of Residence Life training for residence life staff working in accessible residence halls, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Shafer, R., Jacobson, J. & Vital, L. M. (July 2004). Creating a seamless transition between residence life and judicial affairs. Department of Residence Life staff training, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Vital, L. M. & Wilson, L. R. (October 2004). Facilitated campus wide tailgating forum after Board of Trustees proposed tailgating policy change. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Vital, L. M. (November 2002). Best Practices in Tutoring. Presented at the Boys & Girls Clubs of America National Education Summit, Fort Worth, TX

Media and Public Scholarship

Gardiner, F., Chard, D., Vital, L. M., Jiménez, L., Whitmore, J. (2024, May 14). Brown v Board of Education: “We need another moment for our time.” [Article]. BU Wheelock College of Education and Human Development

Vital, L. M., Saint-Dick, G., & Giannetti, M. (2020, March 5). Reparations and U.S. higher Education [Digital Diversity Dialogue]. Office of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, Lesley University

Vital, L. M., Okello, W., Quaye, S. (2019, July 29). Decolonizing research [Webinar]. ACPA Pan African Network. Retrieved from http://www.myacpa.org/scholar-discussion-series-and-related-webinars-0

Vital, L. M. (2018, October 25)  Critical reflective practices and intercultural relations in educational and community settings [Digital Learning Series]. World Teach.

Vital, L. M., et al. (2018, October 1). Tips, tricks, and advice from faculty using CAS in their classrooms [Faculty Forum].Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education. Retrieved from https://zoom.us/recording/play/dne-XV4TH_iUiPJs8_Cz117o3QRBopqc_R27O9X8iaK0rSAIqizPmxRvJ_zAJxyN?continueMode=true

Wilson, E., Turner Johnson, A., Vital, L. M., Pacheco, I. F. & Aslami, H.  (2017, July 12). Higher education in crisis and conflict: Implications for policy and partnerships [Webcast]. USAID Education in Crisis & Conflict Network. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slVOo9ad18M

Vital, L. M. (2017, April 20). Rebuilding higher education post disaster. In The role of higher education in fragile contexts [Blog post]. USAID Education in Crisis & Conflict Network. Retrieved from http://eccnetwork.net/role-higher-education-fragile-contexts/ 

Celestin, M. (producer). Vital, L. M. (invited guest). (2015, September 27). Talk! With Marie [Online radio] Episode “Talk with Marie Presents Louise Michelle Vital, Ph.D. & HELP Case Study” Retrieved from http://www.blogtalkradio.com/talkwithmarie

McPhee, M. M. (producer). Vital, L. M. (expert in residence). (2015, July 5). Wining with Doctoral Students [Audio podcast] Episode “New PhD Smell” Retrieved from http://wdspodcast.libsyn.com

Vital, L. M. (producer). (2009) 40th Anniversary of the “Ten Demands” commemorative DVD, Simmons College 

Holmes Ward, K. (host). Vital, L. M. (invited guest) (2006, October 1). CityLine WCVB Channel 5. Segment “The Academic and Social Opportunities for African American Students at Simmons College”


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